samedi 15 février 2025

PACCC cookies

JUMP TO RECIPE (link coming soon)

I keep modifying my breakfast cookie recipe; it started a couple months ago with a banana cookie recipe that I had modified from I can't remember where on the Internet, and it is now evolving into these cute little balls that are absolutely fantastic for breakfast as they are not too sweet and quite low in fat, but still sooo tasty and healthy, and nutritious.

I think (and my roommate agrees) that they are so perfect with a great balance of flavors, none of them taking over, it's just well balanced between chocolate, cinnamon, peanut butter and a light background taste of apple sauce.

Who knows what they will evolve into next, I was thinking of maybe chopping up some fresh apples but that'd make them too wet, maybe nuts, maybe blend in another type of flour... I'll see, but you can expect another evolution.

For now I have these, for which I need a new name, maybe simply deleting some of the letters from my 1st acronym PBASCCC, so... PACCC sounds good, standing for Peanut butter Apple sauce, Cinnamon Chocolate Chips.

How to make the PACCC cookies:

1 TBsp peanut butter
1 TBsp butter
1/2 cup sugar (preferably brown)
1 egg
5-6 TBsp apple sauce
1 1/2 cup  (210 gr) all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
(if using Ceylon cinnamon you can add one teaspoon more)
1/4 cup mini chocolate chips

mix together the 1 TBspoon peanut butter, 1
TBspoon butter and the 1/2 cup sugar; it helps to put the butter in the microwave 20 sec power 3 so it's soft (but not melted)
add 1 egg
add 5* TBspoon apple sauce
add cinnamon and chocolate chips
add flour, and, on top of it before mixing, add baking powder and salt;
fold in;

gives 20 cookies; bake 13-15 minutes @ 350 F 

*If you find that it's way too thick and can't blend it in, add the 6th TBspoon of apple sauce, probably the egg was small;

I used the measuring tablespoon to drop equal size amounts on the baking sheets covered with parchment paper, using a regular spoon to spoon it out and drop it.

This is a small recipe and any small change can have drastic effects; when the egg is really big, 5 TBspoon of apple sauce is way enough;

Also I decided to lower drastically the amount of baking powder in all my recipes. I read that if the dough is really liquid, like pancakes batter, it needs more baking powder but if the dough is really stiff like in this recipe, it's not necessary. (I will update my prev. recipes after trying 'em out)

I had a couple bad experiences where I was too stoned to be careful haha and put too much baking soda and the taste of these desserts was a nightmare I'm trying to forget; when cutting recipes in half, don't forget to also cut in half the baking powder.

Also, I'm not sure about the baking soda, the Harm & Hammer stuff... I prefer to use baking powder, fearing tasting again that nightmare I experienced not so long ago. 

Dominique Rock

jeudi 16 janvier 2025

(new) Apple Sauce and Oatmeal Cookies


This is a recipe I'm creating and improving, and sharing live the work in progress to easily bake fluffy, light, soft and not too sweet cookies, perfect (for me) for breakfast. Also, please excuse my French accent, English is not my main language and I know my sentences have a French flavour.

So I needed to fix my breakfast for today (okay that was last week) and the next couple of days, so I decided to bake another batch of my new original recipe I created last week of Oatmeal Apple Sauce Cookies.

But since I wasn't totally satisfied with the recipe -I thought there was too much oatmeal-, although there were very tasty, I decided to tweak it and make it a new recipe.

First of all, I found half a cup of granulated sugar in my cupboard; as I said last time, any type of sugar can be used for these recipes, and I was using dark brown sugar, the only sugar I thought I had. But I wanted to see them with regular sugar so I was glad to find this end of bag of sugar.

Then, grabbing the egg in the the fridge, I realized that on such a small recipe, the size of the egg matters, and my batter ended up very, thick, I thought too thick, so I added a 7th TBspoon of apple sauce; that egg was smaller so I needed to adapt.

So it'll be 6-7 TBspoons of apple sauce, according to the size of the egg. The batter should be very thick, but not too thick that you cannot mix it manually (with difficulties though) with a wood spoon.

I added cinnamon, but it can barely be tasted because either my cinnamon is too old (just bought it, but the store maybe...), either and most likely it's rather that I never used Ceylon cinnamon before, I'm reading that its taste isn't as strong as other cinnamon like Chinese cinnamon, which is much less expensive and probably what people usually use, and probably what I always used. So one teaspoon of Chinese cinnamon could be a lot for this recipe, but if you use Ceylon cinnamon, it could be doubled.

I'll need to experiment more with different types of cinnamon, but I'm reading that only Ceylon cinnamon can be trusted to feed birds (I searched that before sharing a dried out cookie with my birdie friends in the backyard).

The result is a very fluffy, light and soft cookie, lightly sweet and perfect for breakfast; they are very good hot from the oven, and the day after, either reheated or as is, they are perfect too; they can keep for a while and are still soft.

I'm thinking... next time I might skip the oatmeal or replace it... But for now,

Let's bake:

2 TBspoon butter
1/2 cup sugar
6-7 TBsp apple sauce
1 egg
1 1/4 cup flour
3/4 cup oatmeal flakes
1/3 cup mini choco-chip
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon

gives 17-22 cookies

Fork in butter with sugar, add egg, then apple sauce, then flour, baking powders, salt and optional cinnamon, then fold in oatmeal flakes and chocolate chips; drop on cookie sheets with 2 spoons, ideally with parchment paper.

In details:

Butter on the counter is still hard, but with the help of a fork, and my wood spoon, I managed to mix it in with the sugar, and this time I didn't add prematurely the apple sauce.

 Add the egg


and mix in, then add


the apple sauce


and mix in, then add

the flour and baking powders, the salt and cinnamon, mix in then add the oatmeal and the chocolate chips, and blend in; it should be a very thick dough and difficult to mix with a wood spoon.

I succeeded in detailing (excuse my French but English is lacking a word here: détailler) this into 22 cookies on two baking sheets with parchment paper; I usually make them too big.


Bake 10-12 minutes @ 350 F

the larger ones and the smaller ones are cooked pretty much the same.

I forgot to mention that any kind of wheat flour can be used, I used unbleached white flour.

again the recipe

(new) Apple Sauce and Oatmeal Cookies, by Dominique Rock

2 TBspoon butter
1/2 cup sugar
6-7 TBsp apple sauce
1 egg
1 1/4 cup flour
3/4 cup oatmeal flakes
1/3 cup mini choco-chip
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon

gives 17-22 cookies

Fork in butter with sugar, add egg, then apple sauce, then flour, baking powders, salt and optional cinnamon, then fold in oatmeal flakes and chocolate chips; drop on cookie sheets with 2 spoons, ideally with parchment paper.


dimanche 5 janvier 2025

Oatmeal Apple Sauce Cookies

Here is another perfect (for me) breakfast cookie recipe that I just created. I wanted oatmeal cookies, but all the recipe I could find were way too sweet and fat... so much butter, that's too much hey. JUMP TO RECIPE 

(day after comment: they're really low sugar type cookies, much less sweet than my Banana Cookies that I published recently, and so they make a perfect and satisfying breakfast, somewhat like muffins; reheat them in the microwave about 6 seconds each)

week after comment: the upgraded version of this recipe is much better, click here to see it

 I used my Banana Cookies recipe as a base, and it all turned very perfect, even better than expected. As always, I use what I have at hand. There was a special on dark brown sugar, so that's the only sugar I have right now, but any sugar will do.

I ran into a few problems and solved them by not caring too much. I want people who don't usually bake to know that everything doesn't have to be perfect, and improvising is possible when baking.

So it's Winter, very cold up here in Canada, and therefore not so warm inside, so my butter was really hard even after two days sitting on the counter top, so I had a hard time mixing it with the sugar and apple sauce. I should have added the apple sauce afterwards and first mix in the butter with the sugar only, but I was sleepy (actually high hehe) and forgot, and I also forgot to add the egg before adding the dry ingredients...

 It doesn't matter!! no worries, just blend it all together. The main thing to respect about baking is to not over-mix after the flour is added. It should always be more a fold-in than a mix-in. So this time, since I forgot steps, I had to mix it a little more than wanted, but since I don't use any electric device, only a wood spoon, it wasn't that bad. This warning especially applies if you use any type of machine to mix your batters.


Oatmeal Apple Sauce Cookies by Dominique Rock:

2 TBspoon butter
1/2 cup sugar
6 TBsp apple sauce
1 egg
1 cup flour
1+ 1/4 cup oatmeal flakes
1/3 cup mini chocolate chips
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon salt

drop on 2 cookie pans with 2 spoons

bake 12 minutes @ 350 F

You can make them the size you want, but I always try to make them small, and often fail; it should be 17-20 cookies, so 2 cookie pans covered with parchment paper, or slightly greased or oiled.

I used quick oatmeal and dark brown sugar because that is what I had at hand; always feel free to improvise based on recipes, I'm sure any kind of oatmeal would work.

I like mini chocolate chips, maybe you'd rather raisins? or both, plus nuts? Good idea!!!


Dominique Rock



jeudi 2 janvier 2025

being trans

still revisiting my unpublished draft posts: I wrote this in July 2022, some 18 months ago. It is now more than 15 years that I admitted to myself I'm a trans woman, was Nov 2008; then I started HRT in Dec. 2015.

I was writing this 18 months ago, and things have changed very little since then; the perception I have of my transition varies from day to day, and this was how I was feeling then, having just started a new way of taking estrogen: intro-muscular injections. Maybe I should post more about my late transition, idk, well I'll post this one:

I have realized and admitted I'm trans more than a decade ago (13 yrs) and I'm halfway in my seventh year of hormones replacement therapy (HRT), and only this spring the changes in my body start to really take effect: for the first time, there is no way I can hide my small breasts anymore, and I must now consider buying a bra.

I'm not happy I'm old, I'm uncertain about the decision I took in 2015 forgetting to truly assess my age in relation with HRT, I'm not happy I had dosage adjustment probs, I realize my bodeh is weird, was weird from the start...

I'm really all fucking mixed up (I'm happy though about these recent changes and it blows a breeze of positivity although I'm uncertain I can metabolize that feeling into facts). 

And this, just as I had started to kind of give up on trying to pass as anything else than a older slim dude wearing women's outfits. (actually, I'm certain most people on the street think I'm a male transvestite hooker on duty; I didn't get any offers yet this year tho)

I was giving up... well actually I never really even tried any shit like this except outfits. No make-up, not even eyeliner for I totally suck at doing this, even mascara. I just feared/knew... I'd look like some kind of drag queen. I'm not a crossdresser, I'm not a drag queen... the only thing I'm certain of is I'm bisexual. I never could pretend I'm a woman, I'm certain most women would have some trouble with that also.

Anyways yea... I never tried. But I'm at a point where I think I'd look less ridiculous if I would.

I have big time problems with my hairstyle. I have to fight daily with my hair to look like something.

But since I've been using the Estrogel differently, since a couple months, I realize if this didn't happen before is mainly a question of dosage. If I get enough estrogen, the changes do come.

But what mostly comes in my face past year or so is oldness. I never could see me becoming an elder, I always enjoyed looking younger than my real age, it was damning in my twenties and early thirties but I'm grateful of it now, but I have to admit looking at my face that I mostly appear as an older person, then and only then after comes any questioning people can have about my gender identity.

In the people's eye. On the streets.

I'm old and should dress accordingly I guess.

Well I don't and it seems I cannot.

I bought black shoes, my second pair. I had figured that last summer: I wear too many colors, I have to tone down.

Down to 2020's standards.

I look like a freak. I'm all mixed up and show it loudly out my front porch. I can't escape who I am.

And now looks like I need a bra. My little perky titties point through every outfit I have, it used to be not like that, just last summer. With these same outfits.

I was worried just this week about my belly which I always had very flat (I'm very slim) but had grew fat through this lazy winter because of hot chocolates. I had figured that if I ate bad food for many months, maybe I'd get some fat and grow my boobs this way. Everyone should know that breasts are mostly fat, and I have no fat, or actually I have never had any fat. So it worked, the donuts and hot chocolate, chocolaty cakes (May Wests) and Decadent chewy chocolate chip cookies.

It's the modified milk substances in the hot chocolate powder, I was having up to 4-5 a day.

I was scared I'd have to live with a fat belly from now on but by walking a lot, I'm regaining my flat belly. But it won't be as flat as before, as also all my body is changing, it's not only the junk food.

Some tissues on my body absorb the Estrogel much better, I'm not going to say which. I won't tell my doctor neither since she quit the profession and I'm doctorless, almost prescriptionless.

But I look at my plucked face... And I really feel the estrogen working in the background. Like I know this is what I'm feeling, it's been seven years I'm on HRT. I remember when my testosterone flew out the window in a hurry, within eight months, getting so low, an endo might consider giving me some. I've been naturally lower in testosterone than many women for the past four years. By naturally, I mean that I take no more medication to lower my testosterone since four years. And my doctor was no able to elaborate an explanation for that fact... she was speachless. I only took medium dosages of spironolactone for like a year and a half, low dose first three-four months, plus Finasteride, then Dutasteride, which targets dihydrotestosterone and not the testes, or so they say. Anyways whatever, that part of HRT worked even too well for me. Too well to be normal. I wasn't much of a male, ever.

However, I never stopped being able to sustain an erection even if today is much different than before, but when started, it's not a problem, but I spray nothing, nada. This tells me I wasn't a normal male from the start. I really feel like I have vestigial female organs inside; other particularities of my genitals also lead me to think my penis is more of a very developed clitoris end than a male penis. That would explain why it still works as it did before, or almost: its functioning wasn't related to testosterone.

In brief, it actually took seven years for HRT to take effect. For the first time this spring, my breasts are really breasts, they so soft and tender, all my skin is soft and tender, my thighs even though I walk a lot and are muscled, move like a female, softly bouncing, my butt got fatter...

I have no choice but to deal now with my breasts and buy a bra, and wear it every day, I'm getting somewhat obscene with my 14 years old perky titties calling everyone as I walk by.

It's to be lots of work to be me arghhh.

Dominique Rock


I wrote this 3 years ago on Dec 20 2021

Some episodes of my life are engraved deeply in my brain, and now that I'm older I know they won't go away. Significant and useless mundane events of my youth are still engraved, so no doubt about the more recent ones.

"One of a kind", "They destroyed the mould after they made you for sure", I heard that so many times when i was young, child, then later also...

I started to appropriate it for myself and be kind of proud of it, trying to maybe build myself on this frame: I'm a weirdo.

until I read about Autism spectrum 8 years ago (12 years ago when publishing this post).

and adding this: 

So I wasn't "one of a kind", all along I was pretty much like all other #AuDHD's.

Still it's weird, plus like many other #ASD #Autistic ppl, I'm also a transsexual.

It simply got weirder? Or did this clarify things? 🤔 IDK.

Old Blog Stuff

 I'm like... rediscovering my blog, which I tend to forget about every now and then, knowing also that no one ever visits it also, or so rarely...

There are draft posts, never published that might have deserved to be published back then but just needed a revision, or maybe that cut short; might as well publish them, I mean... It's certainly totally useless, but just as much as it was to write them, or to publish any posts, or even...

Everything is totally worthless, I wrote about this before, and here even.

So anyways I mean why not? After, years later, I can see laid out before my eyes how my life was unfolding... my thoughts.

By the way, I don't necessarily endorse all that's published on this blog. I mean even if I wrote it, it might be a long time ago, and I'd need to proof read it again before endorsing myself. Thoughts do change.

I'm not certain who I am, I was never really able to define myself to others, not even to myself, and I go through phases, so... My posts are how I felt then.

So I might be reviving old unpublished draft posts, but only if they fit my present set of mind.

Dominique Rock

mercredi 1 janvier 2025

Were you gay?

I was not gay. So the offer, one could say was bound to fall short. But he did succeed in getting me interested in his offer. It was detailed enough and presented with lots of

with warmth, I'd say

"What is this? A short story you wrote?"
- IDK, no, it's just that, there's nothing else, just a thought I had, based on a memory but I'm unsure which memory now, three years later.
- I see... Well then, would it also apply to different memories you have?
- I guess it could... Yes.
- And you're not gay?
- Well... I transitioned since then, I'm a transsexual woman... it's complicated.
- Are you gay?
- I'm queer. Well I'm bisexual now.
- Oh now?
- Yes.
- And not back then? it's a new...
- No well... I was denying.
- Denying you were...?
- Denying that I was a gay man, is this what you want to hear? Maybe, but you know... I say I was a woman from the start, and that I did like men but society taught me it was very bad to be gay, and also very openly and violently repressed, so...
- Yes? And...?
- Nothing.
- What do you mean, nothing? You forced yourself to be attracted by women?
- Ha! Ha! No, no!! I think I was always attracted to women. Well I think so, and...
- How? Go on.
- Well I have very old memories of me fantasizing on women, but that for me now, as a trans woman, doesn't equal to me being "naturally" attracted to women, it's very much more complicated than that.
- What do you mean?
- Well I was like only 4 years old but already loaded with information on how our world works, on what is supposed to be, and also, may I add...
- Yes, please go on.
- It's the fact that it was hidden, femininity back then (mid 1960's) was either very mini skirt right down sexy with high contrast colors, or beige very discrete (nerd) look emerging from the 1940's and 1950's, and in my close surrounding, it was very beige, and so I was very curious to see what a woman looked like, it was mainly curiosity, but then, the society is flooding me with ideas that this is the hidden treasure, the sacred fruit, whatever... But I was... I didn't actually know about sex, no one told me about that, it was a Catholic family, but marriage, you know, the classic model, I bathed in that, so it kind of developed into me wanting women sexually, but I...
- Yes? It did?
- Yes I did spend a long portion of my life wanting to have sex with women, but at the time, when I was 4, 5, six years old, I couldn't say that I was attracted only to women, I learned in first grade at age six, from the other boys, that it was a no-no to find another boy cute, or charming, whatever. Before that, I didn't know sex, but I remember I was rubbing my lower belly on the ground in the backyard, and that I was showing how to do that to my neighbor my age, about four years old, putting both hands on my little penis and balls, and rubbing. I was masturbating, with no thought, no fantasy, neither on women nor men, and I was showing how to get pleasure from my body to my male neighbor. If my Mom wouldn't have stopped us, probably I would have also lead this to us frotting our soft cocks or even sucking it. Like... I'm telling you, no one had told me about sex in any way, it came to me naturally. But not associated with any fantasy for I didn't know about sex, you see?
- I see. So you're telling me you were gay, but you repressed it due to society telling you it was bad, and threats.
- Well... I don't know. I think I was bisexual, and a woman, from the start, a woman with a penis, and with no preset sexual fantasy, I was a bisexual trans woman from the start, that's what I am. Being bisexual is very natural it seems to me.
- But you seemed to be implying that you were driven to, society has driven you to be attracted to women. I think you were a gay man. It's a classic basket case.
- Hey there is absolutely nothing classic about me, dude. I claim that bisexuality is the only sexual orientation that could be called 'natural' in Homo Sapiens, just like the bonobos. Think about it a second, when Homo Sapiens was hunter-gatherer, so most of our existence, the concept of a couple was probably not even a thing, and from my readings and conclusions, the women of the group (30-70 ppl total) had sex with all the males in the group, so then fatherhood was also an unknown concept. The Band raised the children. There is no doubt that there were times when no woman of the Band wanted sex, and male Homo Sapiens being male Homo Sapiens, they always needed sex, just like today. So tell me why in the world would have they not have sex together? Religion? No organized global religion had emerged then; people were worshiping local gods, the gods of the Band, maybe, and just maybe of any larger Clan if any. Sex is natural for humans, clearly a means of exchange, of communication and a group social balance tool in bonobo apes, and also in chimps but them chimps are male dominated, whereas bonobo females keep a strong hold on their society, so sex in chimps is actually a tool for war and domination. But Homo Sapiens was also dominated by females before the first cities. So what I'm saying is that sex is a tool hominids can use either to pacify, either to dominate, and humans nowadays do both, but the patriarcal society came about 8,000 years ago and was a total switch, even a twitch to what was natural, that is anything goes, just like nature. Nature is anything goes, just look around, evolution, mutations (of viruses for example), adaptation everywhere and always, never-ending change... What is natural is anything goes. I'm naturally a bisexual, just like any Homo Sapiens is, if you remove all of what the patriarchal society has came up with and imposed on humanity. If you clear that out, genetically, Humans are bisexual. Being ASD, I have very low perception of any model, and so ASD people are more frequently bisexual, transsexual than neurotypical people. We are closer to 'natural'. To animals even. So that's that.
- Okay. But you didn't tell me about the memory the short text you showed me was based on.

- Well I'm not sure... could be different times... Next time okay? I need to eat now.

- All right, let's order food, too cold to go out.

- Yes well I don't know what's open, it's January First, remember?

- Oh yea, forgot...

2025: reversed sloughing

Welcome to 2025; I never thought this Blog would last more than eight years; it doesn't even have a theme, and it's bilingual... it's all over the place, and for those who may not know, Mue à l'envers means reversed sloughing, and what is that exactly, a reverse sloughing? I'm really not sure, so same for the blog, I really don't know what it is, a strange blend for sure.

I actually started this blog as a writer, Dominique Rock is my writer name, and back then in 2016... well I had submitted my draft of novel to editors (Jan-Aug 2015) and was waiting for responses, and was very hopeful.

The novel bared new titles along the years as I was re-writing it, 2nd version, third version...

The final title is Fluides et entropie, which makes it sound like a scientific essay, which it is not at all, and if I search my title and name, Google finds it amongst scientific treaties; I guess it's still not the right title, and anyways I'm not so sure now it's a good novel. I'd like to re-write again but... it's not in the right language; French is a really limited readership Planet wise, and I'm not French, which makes it that French citizens have contempt for the way I speak and write the language.

After the last negative answer from an editor, a favorable but still a no answer, I think it was in 2020, I decided to stop trying, and self-publish it as is, even if I knew it needed editing, but I couldn't do it anymore. It's available for cheap in e-pub format, or PDF, on Kobo, for 5 CAD$, and actually also at most of big bookstores websites.

So in August 2016 when I started this blog, I was also very recently out as a trans woman, having started HRT in Dec. 2015, eight months before, but I rarely posted on the subject, all through these years. I guess it's because... I'm not sure why. Guess I'm mostly a person, then a writer, an artist, a thinker, a philosopher, an historian, and then I'm a trans woman. It's not that important; it's one of my many sides. Well actually, I wrote a few posts on the subject that I never published and that are still laying in my drafts.

I was thinking of writing about my life path as an older transsexual woman who transitioned very late in life, but who wants to read that? I feel like no one reads anymore; I have a few other writing projects, but basically stopped believing anyone is interested in what I write; it'd need to be movies but I don't know how to write screenplays nor make movies.

I could also try to increase my revenue by writing self-published porn... Idk, I never really wrote in English, and I'm sure my writing has a French accent. I only studied (Modern American) English as a Second Language a few years in High School.

I know I write pretty good in English for a non-native in that language, but I'm also certain some of my sentences are built more on French grammar and syntax than English that I don't really know.

But my sister told that when she studied at Harvard (a few courses), she found out that the Harvard way of constructing an English sentence is actually very, very close to French grammar. Of course, English sort of derives from French, well from Anglo-Norman, which was one of the langues d'oïl that later became modern French (imposing the Paris way of speaking was one of the French Revolution decisions).

I still feel like the want-to-be writer I was when I was 20 years old, only back then I believed it could work; I don't anymore... but maybe.

Dominique Rock