mardi 24 décembre 2024

New Banana Cookies

New Banana Cookies
by Dominique Rock

these make a perfect breakfast, not too sweet and healthy

Note: (Jan. 2, 2025) I was out of vegetable oil, so I replaced it by 2 TBsp more apple sauce (4 total) (also my bananas were medium-small) and they turned out even better, especially the day after; reheated about five seconds each in the microwave, they make a perfect breakfast, for me anyways; more apple sauce masks the banana taste that was a little too strong the day after for my taste with the 1st recipe. Soon I will delete this and simply update the recipe; always feel free to improvise and tweak recipes 😼

2 medium ripe bananas, mashed, or more to taste
2 TBsp applesauce
2 TBsp vegetable oil
2 TBsp butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 cups flour
1/3 cup mini chocolate chips (Optional)
1 egg
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon salt

Just drop all ingredients, except flour+ powders and choco chips, in a large bowl and mix with a wooden spoon (or a mixer if you have one);

add and incorporate the flour (adding the baking powders and salt same time) to the mix; then add the mini choco chips;

using  2 spoons drop dough on two baking sheets with parchment paper, makes 15-20 cookies;

cook 12 minutes at 350

Note: I made again this recipe this morning but I was out of vegetable oil; I added one TBsp of apple sauce and kept it at 2 TBspoon of butter and it came out pretty much the same; the 3rd was the last TBspoon of apple sauce too; I used brown sugar 'cause I was low on white sugar, any sugar will do the job.

see this recipe as a basis that you can model to what you have at hand, no more apple sauce? add oil or butter; low on flour, lower the other ingredients...

also I like the mini chocolate chips but they can be replaced by chopped nuts or even peanuts, or you put both choco chips and nuts... orange or lemon zest... be creative.

Make it your recipe, change it and submit it again with your name on it (that's what I did hehe)

Dominique Rock

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