samedi 15 février 2025

PACCC cookies

JUMP TO RECIPE (link coming soon)

I keep modifying my breakfast cookie recipe; it started a couple months ago with a banana cookie recipe that I had modified from I can't remember where on the Internet, and it is now evolving into these cute little balls that are absolutely fantastic for breakfast as they are not too sweet and quite low in fat, but still sooo tasty and healthy, and nutritious.

I think (and my roommate agrees) that they are so perfect with a great balance of flavors, none of them taking over, it's just well balanced between chocolate, cinnamon, peanut butter and a light background taste of apple sauce.

Who knows what they will evolve into next, I was thinking of maybe chopping up some fresh apples but that'd make them too wet, maybe nuts, maybe blend in another type of flour... I'll see, but you can expect another evolution.

For now I have these, for which I need a new name, maybe simply deleting some of the letters from my 1st acronym PBASCCC, so... PACCC sounds good, standing for Peanut butter Apple sauce, Cinnamon Chocolate Chips.

How to make the PACCC cookies:

1 TBsp peanut butter
1 TBsp butter
1/2 cup sugar (preferably brown)
1 egg
5-6 TBsp apple sauce
1 1/2 cup  (210 gr) all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
(if using Ceylon cinnamon you can add one teaspoon more)
1/4 cup mini chocolate chips

mix together the 1 TBspoon peanut butter, 1
TBspoon butter and the 1/2 cup sugar; it helps to put the butter in the microwave 20 sec power 3 so it's soft (but not melted)
add 1 egg
add 5* TBspoon apple sauce
add cinnamon and chocolate chips
add flour, and, on top of it before mixing, add baking powder and salt;
fold in;

gives 20 cookies; bake 13-15 minutes @ 350 F 

*If you find that it's way too thick and can't blend it in, add the 6th TBspoon of apple sauce, probably the egg was small;

I used the measuring tablespoon to drop equal size amounts on the baking sheets covered with parchment paper, using a regular spoon to spoon it out and drop it.

This is a small recipe and any small change can have drastic effects; when the egg is really big, 5 TBspoon of apple sauce is way enough;

Also I decided to lower drastically the amount of baking powder in all my recipes. I read that if the dough is really liquid, like pancakes batter, it needs more baking powder but if the dough is really stiff like in this recipe, it's not necessary. (I will update my prev. recipes after trying 'em out)

I had a couple bad experiences where I was too stoned to be careful haha and put too much baking soda and the taste of these desserts was a nightmare I'm trying to forget; when cutting recipes in half, don't forget to also cut in half the baking powder.

Also, I'm not sure about the baking soda, the Harm & Hammer stuff... I prefer to use baking powder, fearing tasting again that nightmare I experienced not so long ago. 

Dominique Rock

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