''(...)John Maynard Smith. He is almost a fundamentalist Darwinian. He points out that the evolution of life on earth goes through major transitions that are quite sudden, quite extraordinary moments, like the origin of life itself, the origin of multi-cellular organisms. He treats the origin of human society and language as one of these major transitions. My position that language emerged in the process of a revolution is a variant of that ‘major transitions’ theory.
"Upon learning about the nature of chimpanzee society this seemed obvious to me. You have the sex that gets pregnant, rears the offspring, does all the work of reproducing the species; and then you have the other sex - in a way the leisured sex, the sex which gets someone else to do all the work, gets a female pregnant then goes off to get another female pregnant. All the conflicts in primate society are around that struggle - the struggle by the males for access to fertile females.
"What Engels says is that something like that conflict built up and built up, until it reached a point of contradiction where, if it did not get resolved, it would lead to the extinction of the species. But in one particular case - namely, that of our ancestors - it led to a revolution, and according to Engels this revolution established not just the equality and solidarity of women, but in some respects the primacy of women embodied in the matrilineal clan.
"My view is that behaviour motivated by the requirements of ‘selfish’ genes really is what drives Darwinian evolution. There is no point in denying that. The important thing is that humans became human by overthrowing that logic of nature. We got into culture, which is different. Culture, based on solidarity, reconstructed our nature completely. That is what the human revolution was all about, and why it is so important to claim it as the beginning of our revolutionary heritage.
We won the revolution once. This means for certain that we can do it again. ''
- Chris Knight
Women did that, I add. And shall do it again.
Ce que dit Chris Knight, c'est que les femmes ont créé l'humain en étant solidaires contre les mâles, en créant le symbole, autour de leurs règles, dont découle la culture, et donc l'humain, non plus une espèce de grand singe mais un humain. Alors selon moi l'humanité est rendue là... une nouvelle révolution humaine, une révolution féminine.
Dominik Rock
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